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Africa Infrastructure: Railways
,Railways, Infrastructure,
Listening to Africa and Harmonized Household Survey Project
Provides data on the cost of sending and receiving relatively small amounts of money from one country to another. Data cover 365 country corridors worldwide, from 48 remittance sending countries to 105 receiving countries.
Sustainable Mobility for All
Procuring Infrastructure PPPs: Adherence to Best Regulatory Practices is a collection of comparable and actionable data on the procurement of large-scale public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure See more +
This dataset is classified as Public under the Access to Information Classification Policy. Users inside and outside the Bank can access this dataset. The Human Capital Index (HCI) database provides data See more +
Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI): A dataset on public sector employment and wages that can help researchers and development practitioners gain a better understanding of the personnel dimensions See more +
Logistics Performance Index (LPI) - Logistics comprises a network of services that supports the physical movement of goods within and across borders. It is a $4.3 trillion industry. The 2018 Logistics See more +