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Metadata Glossary

Showing Results from 201 to 250 of 218
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Fishery (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.FSH.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Forestry (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.FRST.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Government Sector (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.GOVT.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Health (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.HE.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Health Sector (Subsect: Basic Services) (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.HE.BSRV.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Health Sector (Subsect: Recommended Services) (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.HE.RSRV.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.INFR.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure Sector (Subsect: Irrigation) (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.INFR.IRIG.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure Sector (Subsect: Road) (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.INFR.ROD.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Infrastructure Sector (Subsect: Water) (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.INFR.H2O.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Trade (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.TRAD.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Specific Allocation Grant for Village (in IDR Billion)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
DAK.VILG.CRMinistry of Finance, Ministry of Finance Regulation
DescriptionThe Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) is a fund sourced from revenue in the Central Budget (APBN) allocated to a certain region with the aim of funding special activities of the region in accordance with national priorities. The DAK allocation has a formula component that takes into account the fiscal gap and has a 10 percent matching requirement. The DAK is earmarked for capital spending and cannot be used for research, training, administration, or official travel.
Total Tax Revenue Sharing/DBH Pajak (in IDR)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
REV.TXRV.SHR.CRMinistry of Finance, SIKD (Information System for Sub-National Budget)
DescriptionThe Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH) is a vertical equalization grant, which shares tax and natural resource revenues with all districts with a larger proportion of revenues going to resource-rich districts where the revenues originated. DBH consists of revenue sharing from natural resources and taxes. DBH Pajak come mainly from property tax , acquisition tax of land and buildings and income tax.
Tourism and culture function expenditure (in IDR)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
FC.XPD.TOUR.CRMinistry of Finance, SIKD (Information System for Sub-National Budget)
Villages with road: Asphalt (in % of total villages)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
ROD.VILG.ASPH.ZSBADAN PUSAT STATISTIK - Statistics Indonesia, Village Census (PODES)
Villages with road: Dirt (in % of total villages)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
ROD.VILG.DIRT.ZSBADAN PUSAT STATISTIK - Statistics Indonesia, Village Census (PODES)
Villages with road: Gravel (in % of total villages)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
ROD.VILG.GRAVL.ZSBADAN PUSAT STATISTIK - Statistics Indonesia, Village Census (PODES)
Villages with road: Other (in % of total villages)
Database NameIndonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research
ROD.VILG.OTHR.ZSBADAN PUSAT STATISTIK - Statistics Indonesia, Village Census (PODES)