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This database underpins the analysis in the report “More Power to India: The Challenge of Electricity Distribution”. The database is a collection of primary and secondary data on the Indian power sector, See more +
Indicators derived on the "Agriculture in Africa – Telling Facts from Myths" project
Poverty data at the administrative unit level 1, based on national poverty line(s). Administrative unit level 1 refers to the highest subnational unit level (examples include ‘state’, ‘governorate’, ‘province’)
A selection of Indian sub-national (state) indicators on economic and social sectors relevant to the World Bank Group Country Partnership Strategy for India for the period 2013-2017. It is a compilation See more +
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS) contains information on Imports, Tariffs and Non-Tariff Measures over 150 countries. For more See more +
Trade Data
,Trade Data,
Subnational estimates of child malnutrition (prevalence for stunting, underweight, overweight, wasting and severe wasting indicators).
The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentration See more +