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Metadata Glossary

Long NameIslamic State of Afghanistan
Income GroupLow income
RegionSouth Asia
Lending categoryIDA
Other groupsHIPC
Currency UnitAfghan afghani
Latest population census1979
Latest household surveyDemographic and Health Survey, 2015
Special NotesThe reporting period for national accounts data is designated as either calendar year basis (CY) or fiscal year basis (FY). For this country, it is fiscal year-based (fiscal year-end: March 20). Also, an estimate (PA.NUS.ATLS) of the exchange rate covers the same period and thus differs from the official exchange rate (CY). In addition, the World Bank systematically assesses the appropriateness of official exchange rates as conversion factors. In this country, multiple or dual exchange rate activity exists and must be accounted for appropriately in underlying statistics. An alternative estimate (“alternative conversion factor” - PA.NUS.ATLS) is thus calculated as a weighted average of the different exchange rates in use in the country. Doing so better reflects economic reality and leads to more accurate cross-country comparisons and country classifications by income level. For this country, this applies to the period 1960-2006. Alternative conversion factors are used in the Atlas methodology and elsewhere in World Development Indicators as single-year conversion factors.
National accounts base year2016
System of National AccountsCountry uses the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology
SNA price valuationValue added at basic prices (VAB)
Balance of Payments Manual in useBPM6
External debt Reporting statusEstimate
System of tradeGeneral trade system
Government Accounting conceptConsolidated central government
IMF data dissemination standardEnhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS)
Source of most recent Income and expenditure dataIntegrated household survey (IHS), 2016/17
Latest trade data2018
2-alpha codeAF
WB-2 codeAF
Table NameAfghanistan
Short NameAfghanistan