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Metadata Glossary

Indicator NamePopulation (% of total)
Long definitionPopulation Percentage of total is the share of first level administrative division (Admin 1 level) de facto mid-year population to total population.
Source1. Census reports and statistical databases from national statistical offices 2. Estimates from the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), The Earth Institute at Columbia University
TopicHealth: Population: Structure
Statistical concept and methodologyPopulation percentage of total is based on the share of population at first level administrative division (Admin 1 level) to total population from national population censuses and national estimates. The process includes the following. The population data from national censuses and national statistical offices are adjusted for mid-year (July 1st) assuming constant growth rate between two data points. For the years to which census or national data are not available, the population figures are interpolated or extrapolated. For interpolation, the constant growth rate between the two data points is assumed. For extrapolation, the same growth rate as the average of earliest (or latest) 3 years is used. Then the share of each admin 1 population to the sum of all admin 1 areas is calculated. If there is only one data point, it is assumed that the share of admin 1 population to the total population remains constant. While estimating admin 1 population data the latest admin 1 classification for which data is available was used for each country. Data source information by year for each country is included.
Development relevanceIncreases in human population, whether a result of immigration or more births than deaths, can place pressures on the country's sustainability through impacts on many natural resources and social infrastructure. A significant increase in population will negatively impact availability of land for agricultural production, and will put increased demands on food, energy, water, social services, and infrastructure. On the other hand, decreasing population size - a result of fewer births than deaths, and people moving out of a country - can impact government's commitment to maintain services and infrastructure.
Limitations and exceptionsIndicator is limited by data availability, as well as differences in the concepts, definitions, collection procedures, and estimation methods used by national statistical agencies and organizations that collect the data.
License TypeOpen