Showing results from 1 to 50 of 122
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SE.PRM.TENR | UNESCO Institute for Statistics ( Data as of February 2020. |
Description | Adjusted net enrollment is the number of pupils of the school-age group for primary education, enrolled either in primary or secondary education, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
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SP.ADO.TFRT | United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects. |
Description | Adolescent fertility rate is the number of births per 1,000 women ages 15-19. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
NY.AGR.SUBS.GD.ZS | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Producer and Consumer Support Estimates database. Available online at |
Description | Agriculture support is the annual monetary value of all gross transfers from taxpayers and consumers, both domestic and foreign (in the form of subsidies arising from policy measures that support agriculture), net of the associated budgetary receipts, regardless of their objectives and impacts on farm production and income, or consumption of farm products. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
ER.H2O.FWTL.ZS | Food and Agriculture Organization, AQUASTAT data. |
Description | Annual freshwater withdrawals refer to total water withdrawals, not counting evaporation losses from storage basins. Withdrawals also include water from desalination plants in countries where they are a significant source. Withdrawals can exceed 100 percent of total renewable resources where extraction from nonrenewable aquifers or desalination plants is considerable or where there is significant water reuse. Withdrawals for agriculture and industry are total withdrawals for irrigation and livestock production and for direct industrial use (including withdrawals for cooling thermoelectric plants). Withdrawals for domestic uses include drinking water, municipal use or supply, and use for public services, commercial establishments, and homes. Data are for the most recent year available for 1987-2002. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.HIV.ARTC.ZS | UNAIDS estimates. |
Description | Antiretroviral therapy coverage indicates the percentage of all people living with HIV who are receiving antiretroviral therapy. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.STA.ARIC.ZS | UNICEF, State of the World's Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys. |
Description | Children with acute respiratory infection (ARI) who are taken to a health provider refers to the percentage of children under age five with ARI in the last two weeks who were taken to an appropriate health provider, including hospital, health center, dispensary, village health worker, clinic, and private physician. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
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TM.TAX.AGRI.CD.DV | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the average tariffs imposed by developed countries on subsets of selected items (agricultural products, textile and clothing exports) that are deemed to be of interest to developing countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. Agricultural, clothing and textile groups follow the definition in WTO agreements based on the Harmonized System 1992, transposed to current versions by WTO Secretariat. Agricultural products correspond to Harmonized System 1992, chapters 01 to 24 less fish and fish products (chap. 03); in addition to parts of chapters 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50 to 53. Textile is mainly covered in chapters 50 to 60. The bulk of clothing products are found in chapters 61-63. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.TAX.AGRI.CD.LD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the average tariffs imposed by developed countries on subsets of selected items (agricultural products, textile and clothing exports) that are deemed to be of interest to developing countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. Agricultural, clothing and textile groups follow the definition in WTO agreements based on the Harmonized System 1992, transposed to current versions by WTO Secretariat. Agricultural products correspond to Harmonized System 1992, chapters 01 to 24 less fish and fish products (chap. 03); in addition to parts of chapters 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50 to 53. Textile is mainly covered in chapters 50 to 60. The bulk of clothing products are found in chapters 61-63. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.TAX.CLTH.CD.DV | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the average tariffs imposed by developed countries on subsets of selected items (agricultural products, textile and clothing exports) that are deemed to be of interest to developing countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. Agricultural, clothing and textile groups follow the definition in WTO agreements based on the Harmonized System 1992, transposed to current versions by WTO Secretariat. Agricultural products correspond to Harmonized System 1992, chapters 01 to 24 less fish and fish products (chap. 03); in addition to parts of chapters 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50 to 53. Textile is mainly covered in chapters 50 to 60. The bulk of clothing products are found in chapters 61-63. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.TAX.CLTH.CD.LD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the average tariffs imposed by developed countries on subsets of selected items (agricultural products, textile and clothing exports) that are deemed to be of interest to developing countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. Agricultural, clothing and textile groups follow the definition in WTO agreements based on the Harmonized System 1992, transposed to current versions by WTO Secretariat. Agricultural products correspond to Harmonized System 1992, chapters 01 to 24 less fish and fish products (chap. 03); in addition to parts of chapters 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50 to 53. Textile is mainly covered in chapters 50 to 60. The bulk of clothing products are found in chapters 61-63. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.TAX.TXTL.CD.DV | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the average tariffs imposed by developed countries on subsets of selected items (agricultural products, textile and clothing exports) that are deemed to be of interest to developing countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. Agricultural, clothing and textile groups follow the definition in WTO agreements based on the Harmonized System 1992, transposed to current versions by WTO Secretariat. Agricultural products correspond to Harmonized System 1992, chapters 01 to 24 less fish and fish products (chap. 03); in addition to parts of chapters 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50 to 53. Textile is mainly covered in chapters 50 to 60. The bulk of clothing products are found in chapters 61-63. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.TAX.TXTL.CD.LD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the average tariffs imposed by developed countries on subsets of selected items (agricultural products, textile and clothing exports) that are deemed to be of interest to developing countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. Agricultural, clothing and textile groups follow the definition in WTO agreements based on the Harmonized System 1992, transposed to current versions by WTO Secretariat. Agricultural products correspond to Harmonized System 1992, chapters 01 to 24 less fish and fish products (chap. 03); in addition to parts of chapters 29, 33, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50 to 53. Textile is mainly covered in chapters 50 to 60. The bulk of clothing products are found in chapters 61-63. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
DC.ODA.UNTD.ZS | Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, Development Co-operation Report, and International Development Statistics database. Data are available online at: |
Description | Bilateral official development assistance (ODA) commitments are firm obligations, expressed in writing and backed by the necessary funds, undertaken by official bilateral donors to provide specified assistance to a recipient country or a multilateral organization. Bilateral commitments are recorded in the full amount of expected transfer, irrespective of the time required for completing disbursements. Untied bilateral official development assistance is assistance from country to country for which the associated goods and services may be fully and freely procured in substantially all countries. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
DC.ODA.SOCL.ZS | Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, Development Co-operation Report, and International Development Statistics database. Data are available online at: |
Description | Bilateral official development assistance (ODA) commitments are firm obligations, expressed in writing and backed by the necessary funds, undertaken by official bilateral donors to provide specified assistance to a recipient country or a multilateral organization. Bilateral commitments are recorded in the full amount of expected transfer, irrespective of the time required for completing disbursements. Total sector-allocable aid is the sum of aid that can be assigned to specific sectors or multisector activities. Basic social services consists of, primary education, basic life skills for youth and adults and early childhood education, basic health care, basic health infrastructure, basic nutrition, infectious disease control, health education and health personnel development, population policy and administrative management, reproductive health care, family planning, sexually transmitted disease (STD) control including HIV/AIDS, personnel development (population & reproductive health), basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation, and multi-sector aid for basic social services. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.STA.BRTC.ZS | UNICEF, State of the World's Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys. |
Description | Births attended by skilled health staff are the percentage of deliveries attended by personnel trained to give the necessary supervision, care, and advice to women during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period; to conduct deliveries on their own; and to care for newborns. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.MLR.TRET.ZS | UNICEF, State of the World's Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys. |
Description | Malaria treatment refers to the percentage of children under age five who were ill with fever in the last two weeks and received any appropriate (locally defined) anti-malarial drugs. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
EN.ATM.CO2E.PP.GD | Climate Watch. 2020. GHG Emissions. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available at: See NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.CD for the denominator's source. |
Description | Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
EN.ATM.CO2E.KT | Climate Watch Historical GHG Emissions (1990-2020). 2023. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available online at: |
Description | Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
EN.ATM.CO2E.PC | Emissions data are sourced from Climate Watch Historical GHG Emissions (1990-2020). 2023. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Available online at: |
Description | Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.HIV.1524.KW.FE.ZS | Household surveys such as Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Largely compiled by UNICEF. |
Description | The percent of female respondents ages 15-24 who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.HIV.1524.KW.MA.ZS | Household surveys such as Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Largely compiled by UNICEF. |
Description | The percent of male respondents ages 15-24 who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.HIV.KNOW.FE.ZS | Household surveys such as Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Largely compiled by UNICEF. |
Description | Knowledge of HIV, female, is the percentage of female respondents who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.HIV.KNOW.MA.ZS | Household surveys such as Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Largely compiled by UNICEF. |
Description | Knowledge of HIV, male, is the percentage of male respondents who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.CON.AIDS.FE.ZS | Demographic and Health Surveys, and UNAIDS. |
Description | Condom use at last high-risk sex, female is the percentage of the female population ages 15-49 who used a condom at last intercourse with a non-marital and non-cohabiting sexual partner in the last 12 months. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.CON.AIDS.MA.ZS | Demographic and Health Surveys, and UNAIDS. |
Description | Condom use at last high-risk sex, male is the percentage of the male population ages 15-49 who used a condom at last intercourse with a non-marital and non-cohabiting sexual partner in the last 12 months. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.CON.1524.FE.ZS | Demographic and Health Surveys, and UNAIDS. |
Description | Condom use, female is the percentage of the female population ages 15-24 who used a condom at last intercourse in the last 12 months. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SH.CON.1524.MA.ZS | Demographic and Health Surveys, and UNAIDS. |
Description | Condom use, male is the percentage of the male population ages 15-24 who used a condom at last intercourse in the last 12 months. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SP.DYN.CONU.ZS | Household surveys, including Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Largely compiled by United Nations Population Division. |
Description | Contraceptive prevalence, any method is the percentage of married women ages 15-49 who are practicing, or whose sexual partners are practicing, any method of contraception (modern or traditional). Modern methods of contraception include female and male sterilization, oral hormonal pills, the intra-uterine device (IUD), the male condom, injectables, the implant (including Norplant), vaginal barrier methods, the female condom and emergency contraception. Traditional methods of contraception include rhythm (e.g., fertility awareness based methods, periodic abstinence), withdrawal and other traditional methods. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.FAM.WORK.FE.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO modelled estimates database” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Contributing family workers are those workers who hold "self-employment jobs" as own-account workers in a market-oriented establishment operated by a related person living in the same household. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.FAM.WORK.MA.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO modelled estimates database” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Contributing family workers are those workers who hold "self-employment jobs" as own-account workers in a market-oriented establishment operated by a related person living in the same household. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.FAM.WORK.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO modelled estimates database” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Contributing family workers are those workers who hold "self-employment jobs" as own-account workers in a market-oriented establishment operated by a related person living in the same household. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
DT.HPC.COMR.PV | World Bank, Economic Policy and Debt Department. |
Description | Debt relief is committed as of the decision point (assuming full participation of creditors) under the enhanced HIPC Initiative. It is calculated as the amount needed to bring the net present value (NPV) of the country's debt level to the thresholds established by the HIPC Initiative (150 percent of exports or in certain cases 250 percent of fiscal revenues). Topping-up assistance and assistance provided under the original HIPC Initiative were committed in net present value terms as of the decision point and are converted to end-2012 terms. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
DT.HPC.MDRI.PV | World Bank, Economic Policy and Debt Department. |
Description | Debt relief delivered in full under MDRI initiative is the net present value of debt relief from International Development Association, International Monetary Fund, African Development Fund, and Inter-American Development Bank and delivered to countries having reached the HIPC completion point converted to end-2012 terms. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
DT.TDS.DPPF.XP.ZS | World Bank, International Debt Statistics. |
Description | Debt service, the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services, is expressed as a percentage of exports of goods and services--all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from residents to nonresidents of general merchandise, net exports of goods under merchanting, nonmonetary gold, and services. This series differs from the standard debt to exports series in that it covers only long-term public and publicly guaranteed debt and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF. |
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Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.FE.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO Modelled Estimates and Projections database (ILOEST)” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.MA.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO Modelled Estimates and Projections database (ILOEST)” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.EMP.TOTL.SP.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO Modelled Estimates and Projections database (ILOEST)” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.EMP.1524.SP.FE.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO Modelled Estimates and Projections database (ILOEST)” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15-24 are generally considered the youth population. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.EMP.1524.SP.MA.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO Modelled Estimates and Projections database (ILOEST)” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15-24 are generally considered the youth population. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.EMP.1524.SP.ZS | International Labour Organization. “ILO Modelled Estimates and Projections database (ILOEST)” ILOSTAT. Accessed January 07, 2025. |
Description | Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country's population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15-24 are generally considered the youth population. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
EG.USE.COMM.GD.PP.KD | IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (, subject to |
Description | Energy use per PPP GDP is the kilogram of oil equivalent of energy use per constant PPP GDP. Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport. PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to 2021 constant international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as a U.S. dollar has in the United States. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SP.DYN.TFRT.IN | (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2022 Revision; (2) Statistical databases and publications from national statistical offices; (3) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics. |
Description | Total fertility rate represents the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her childbearing years and bear children in accordance with age-specific fertility rates of the specified year. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
IT.MLT.MAIN.P2 | International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database |
Description | Fixed telephone subscriptions refers to the sum of active number of analogue fixed telephone lines, voice-over-IP (VoIP) subscriptions, fixed wireless local loop (WLL) subscriptions, ISDN voice-channel equivalents and fixed public payphones. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
AG.LND.FRST.ZS | Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. |
Description | Forest area is land under natural or planted stands of trees of at least 5 meters in situ, whether productive or not, and excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems (for example, in fruit plantations and agroforestry systems) and trees in urban parks and gardens. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
AG.LND.FRST.K2 | Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. |
Description | Forest area is land under natural or planted stands of trees of at least 5 meters in situ, whether productive or not, and excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems (for example, in fruit plantations and agroforestry systems) and trees in urban parks and gardens. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
SL.GDP.PCAP.EM.KD | World Bank, World Development Indicators database. Estimates are based on employment, population, GDP, and PPP data obtained from International Labour Organization, United Nations Population Division, Eurostat, OECD, and World Bank. |
Description | GDP per person employed is gross domestic product (GDP) divided by total employment in the economy. Purchasing power parity (PPP) GDP is GDP converted to 2021 constant international dollars using PPP rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP that a U.S. dollar has in the United States. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
NY.GNP.PCAP.CD | World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. |
Description | GNI per capita (formerly GNP per capita) is the gross national income, converted to U.S. dollars using the World Bank Atlas method, divided by the midyear population. GNI is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. GNI, calculated in national currency, is usually converted to U.S. dollars at official exchange rates for comparisons across economies, although an alternative rate is used when the official exchange rate is judged to diverge by an exceptionally large margin from the rate actually applied in international transactions. To smooth fluctuations in prices and exchange rates, a special Atlas method of conversion is used by the World Bank. This applies a conversion factor that averages the exchange rate for a given year and the two preceding years, adjusted for differences in rates of inflation between the country, and through 2000, the G-5 countries (France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States). From 2001, these countries include the Euro area, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
NY.GNP.ATLS.CD | World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. |
Description | GNI (formerly GNP) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. Data are in current U.S. dollars. GNI, calculated in national currency, is usually converted to U.S. dollars at official exchange rates for comparisons across economies, although an alternative rate is used when the official exchange rate is judged to diverge by an exceptionally large margin from the rate actually applied in international transactions. To smooth fluctuations in prices and exchange rates, a special Atlas method of conversion is used by the World Bank. This applies a conversion factor that averages the exchange rate for a given year and the two preceding years, adjusted for differences in rates of inflation between the country, and through 2000, the G-5 countries (France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States). From 2001, these countries include the Euro area, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.MRC.NOTX.DV.ZS | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the proportion of duty free imports (excluding arms) into developed countries from developing and least developed countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. |
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Dimension | Series |
Database Name | Millennium Development Goals |
Code | Source |
TM.MRC.NOTX.LD.ZS | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Trade Organization, and International Trade Center. Data are available online at: |
Description | It is the proportion of duty free imports (excluding arms) into developed countries from developing and least developed countries. For the purpose of calculating this indicator, Japan in Asia, Canada and the United States in North America, Australia and New Zealand in Oceania and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (25 countries included since 2004) in Europe are considered “developed” regions or areas, following the common accepted practice used for MDG indicators. Developing countries are those not listed as developed or transition countries. The list of least developed countries (LDCs) has been agreed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy, Economic and Social Council. |
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