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Metadata Glossary

Indicator NameNet Enrollment Ratio: Primary (in %)
SourceBADAN PUSAT STATISTIK - Statistics Indonesia, National Social Economic Survey (SUSENAS)
TopicSocial and Demographic Indicators
Unit of measurePercent
General commentsData in 2000, 2001 and 2002 is not available for N.A.D districts possibly because they are not surveyed. Data for conflict regions in 2002 are not available since they are not surveyed. Since 2010, based on BPS definition, Package A, B and C (Paket A, B dan C) are included in the calculation. The data collection prior 2011 is conducted one time in July, while 2011 onwards is done quarterly. This affect the estimation of education indicators because school year starts in July and end in June of the subsequent year. There is different methodology in the estimation. Prior 2011, the inflating procedure was not based on age groups of 5 years (0-4, 5-9, 10-14..), while in 2011 it is based on the age groups of 5 years. Data for 2011-2014 are estimated using back-casting Inflate result based on Indonesian population projection 2010-2035. December Data in Susenas Pool Data 2014 uses 2013 data instead of 2014 data.
Other notesWorld Bank Staff Calculation based on National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) - Statistics Indonesia