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Metadata Glossary

Indicator NameCoordinated technical cooperation (% of total cooperation to education)
Long definitionTechnical cooperation from development partners provided through coordinated programs and expressed as a percentage of the total disbursed technical cooperation. Coordinated technical cooperation is consistent with the capacity development priorities of the developing recipient government. This is part of the 2011 Monitoring Exercise on Development Effectiveness in the Education Sector, an unprecedented picture of aid effectiveness in the education sector that can be used as the basis for in-country dialogue and debate going forward. This information looks at how education aid is delivered and managed by development partners and governments.
TopicAid Effectiveness in the Education Sector
Unit of measure%
Limitations and exceptionsThis data aims at stimulating, reviving and strengthening dialogue on aid effectiveness among the Local Education Group (LEG) partners. It does not attempt to provide a full and exhaustive picture of the aid effectiveness situation in the education sector in a country. It does not intend to issue a summative judgment on aid effectiveness in a country, or to rank the effectiveness of a country’s education aid in comparison with other countries’ for any high-stakes purpose other than mutual learning from challenges and good practices. It is based on data submitted by the LEG, which was also subsequently reviewed and validated by the LEG.