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The World Bank EdStats Query holds around 2,500 internationally comparable education indicators for access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. The indicators cover See more +
Data on key gender topics. Themes included are demographics, education, health, labor force, and political participation.
Education,Demographics,Health,Labor Force,Political Participation
,Education, Demographics, Health, Labor Force, Political Participation,
Database of official indicators for monitoring progress toward Millennium Development Goals.
Poverty,Gender,Education,Environment,Climate Change Social Development,Urban Development,Economic Policy & External Debt
,Poverty, Gender, Education, Environment, Climate Change Social Development, Urban Development, Economic Policy & External Debt,
Africa Development Indicators 2012/13 provides the most detailed collection of data on Africa available in one volume. It contains macroeconomic, sectoral, and social indicators, covering 53 African countries. See more +
Poverty,Education,Africa,Social Development
,Poverty, Education, Africa, Social Development,