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Global Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection Survey

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001_Does a regulatory/supervisory framework exist for commercial banks?_#VGAA_001.0
002_Does a regulatory/supervisory framework exist for other banks?_#VGAA_010.0
003_Does a regulatory/supervisory framework exist for financial cooperatives?_#VGAA_020.0
004_Does a regulatory/supervisory framework exist for other deposit taking institutions (ODTIs)?_#VGAA_030.0
005_Does a regulatory/supervisory framework exist for microcredit institutions (MCIs)?_#VGAA_041.0
006_Does a regulatory/supervisory framework exist for non-bank e-money issuers (NBEIs)?_#VGAA_051.0
007_Are any non-bank e-money issuers subsidiaries of mobile network operators?_#VGAB_001.0
008_Has a national financial inclusion strategy (NFIS) already been launched?_#VGAC_000.0
009_Is a national financial inclusion strategy (NFIS) under development?_#VGAC_011.0
011_Has a general financial sector development strategy with a financial inclusion component (GFSDS/FI) already been launched?_#VGAD_000.0
012_Is a general financial sector development strategy with a financial inclusion component (GFSDS/FI) under development?_#VGAD_010.0
013_Has a national development strategy with a financial inclusion component (NDS/FI) already been launched?_#VGAE_000.0
014_Is a national development strategy with a financial inclusion component (NDS/FI) under development?_#VGAE_010.0
015_Has a national microfinance strategy (NMS) already been launched?_#VGAF_000.0
016_Is a national microfinance strategy (NMS) under development?_#VGAF_010.0
017_Has a national financial capability/literacy/education strategy (NFCS/NFLS/NFES) already been launched?_#VGAG_000.0
018_Is a national financial capability/literacy/education strategy (NFCS/NFLS/NFES) under development?_#VGAG_010.0
019_Are requirements, exceptions, tax incentives, or subsidies policies in place to promote financial inclusion?_#VGBA_000.0
020_Are priority lending policies in place to promote financial inclusion?_#VGBA_010.0
021_Are tax incentive savings schemes in place to promote financial inclusion?_#VGBA_020.0
022_Are deposit-taking institutions required to offer basic financial products to promote financial inclusion?_#VGBA_030.0
023_Are recipients of government transfers encouraged or mandated to open an account to receive their funds?_#VGBA_041.0
024_Has a survey of households or individuals including questions on financial inclusion or access to finance been conducted in the last 3 years?_#VGCA_000.0
025_Has a survey of firms including questions on financial inclusion or access to finance been conducted in the last 3 years?_#VGCA_010.0
026_Are commercial banks permitted to provide checking or current accounts?_#VGDA_001.0
Source: Global Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection Survey. Click on a metadata icon for original source information to be used for citation.
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