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Quarterly External Debt Statistics SDDS

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Table 1 SDDS new
Table 1 - Gross External Debt Position by Sector 2/
Data are in millions 
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, USD156,626156,136157,022154,536150,412
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, All instruments, USD4,7724,4574,3284,8834,643
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Debt securities, USD4,7324,4154,2874,8424,601
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Loans, USD4041414042
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, All instruments, USD151,854151,679152,694149,653145,769
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Debt securities, USD70,54271,38972,31270,84565,824
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Loans, USD81,31280,29080,38278,80879,946
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, USD27,48727,26626,07427,31728,435
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, All instruments, USD20,81320,45718,38717,89918,522
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Debt securities, USD00000
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Loans, USD20,81320,45718,38717,89918,522
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, All instruments, USD6,6736,8097,6869,4189,913
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Special drawing rights (allocations), USD6,6736,8096,7296,6776,882
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Debt securities, USD..09572,7413,031
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Loans, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, USD3,0152,4732,6192,2602,336
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, All instruments, USD1,2727691,063779846
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD657402498270293
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Debt securities, USD910999
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Loans, USD332212361270315
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD84110124105113
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD1903472125117
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, All instruments, USD1,7431,7041,5561,4821,490
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Debt securities, USD1,004979982973975
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Loans, USD734718568503512
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD33453
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD25200
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD47,32750,04449,14946,77945,327
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, All instruments, USD23,90926,87825,99423,85223,491
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Debt securities, USD001480697
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Loans, USD2,4912,4652,5262,2561,818
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Trade credit and advances, USD20,66423,65022,54820,87020,221
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Short-term, Other debt liabilities, USD753764772726755
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, All instruments, USD23,41923,16623,15522,92721,837
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Currency and deposits, USD..........
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Debt securities, USD11,62311,34311,52711,39810,890
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Loans, USD10,53710,47310,19210,1459,529
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Trade credit and advances, USD1,0621,1531,2371,1561,190
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, Long-term, Other debt liabilities, USD197196199228228
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, USD48,63051,89054,78055,67556,242
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of DI ent. to dir. investors, USD11,00811,25911,25711,32511,522
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. of dir. investors to DI ent., USD451549537410476
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, Debt liab. to fellow ent., USD37,17040,08342,98643,94044,243
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, USD283,085287,809289,643286,567282,753
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD29,72932,93134,17633,10533,365
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD3,8613,8603,8383,8313,866
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD00000
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD2117191315
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD8,6259,9799,6058,9688,801
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., DI: Intercom Lending, All maturities, All instruments, Arrears, USD17,22219,07520,71420,29320,683
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., All Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD40,17842,89449,33652,31052,008
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., General Government, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD28,53431,29736,46538,23336,859
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Central Bank, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD007482,2002,617
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Deposit-Taking Corp., exc. CB, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD937912946932953
Gross Ext. Debt Pos., Other Sectors, All maturities, Debt Securities, Memo item, USD10,70710,68511,17610,94511,580
1/ The SDDS prescribes the dissemination of quarterly external debt data with one-quarter lag, covering four sectors. Direct Investment: Intercompany Lending should preferably be disseminated separately from the four sectors. Data are to be further broken down by maturity--short-term and long-term--on an original maturity basis and by instrument. The classifications by sector (general government, central bank, other deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank, and other sectors) and by instrument presented in the table are consistent with those set forth in the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6), and defined in the Pre-Publication Draft of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (the Guide). 2/ Specify whether debt securities are valued at nominal or market value. Debt securities in memoradum items are valued at market value if they are presented at nominal value in the table, or at nominal value if they are presented at market value in the table. Debt securities in the memorandum items do not include those that may be included in Direct Investment: Intercompany Lending. 3/ It is recommended that all currency and deposits be included in the short-term category unless detailed information is available to make the short-term/long-term attribution. 4/ Other debt liabilities comprise insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable–other in the international investment position (IIP) statement. In the absence of information to make the short-term/long-term attribution, it is recommended that insurance, pension, and standardized guaranteed schemes be classified as long term. 5/ Arrears are recorded in the original debt instrument, rather than in other debt liabilities, short-term, and separately identified by sector in memorandum items. See recording of arrears in paragraph 3.43. 6/ In line with BPM6, SDR allocations should be reported as long-term external debt liabilities.
Source: Quarterly External Debt Statistics SDDS. Click on a metadata icon for original source information to be used for citation.
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