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Banco Mundial de Desenvolvimento
ARI treatment (% of children under 5 taken to a health provider)..........
Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)67.966.265.263.762.9
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)47.046.345.745.044.5
Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population)9.910.110.310.510.7
Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population)
Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people living with HIV)
Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)15.715.515.314.914.7
Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total)98.998.999.099.098.0
Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total)..13.8......
Cause of death, by injury (% of total)..13.2......
Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases (% of total)..73.0......
Children (0-14) living with HIV..........
Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever)..........
Community health workers (per 1,000 people)..........
Completeness of birth registration (%)....92.8....
Completeness of birth registration, rural (%)..........
Completeness of birth registration, urban (%)..........
Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24)..........
Condom use, population ages 15-24, male (% of males ages 15-24)..........
Consumption of iodized salt (% of households)..........
Contraceptive prevalence, any method (% of married women ages 15-49)........80.2
Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79)....10.1....
Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding)..........
Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS packet)..........
Exclusive breastfeeding (% of children under 6 months)..........
Female headed households (% of households with a female head)..........
Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)
Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months)
Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)
Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people)
Life expectancy at birth, female (years)76.376.676.776.977.1
Life expectancy at birth, male (years)69.769.870.170.370.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years)72.973.273.373.673.9
Lifetime risk of maternal death (%)
Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in: rate varies by country)710.0760.0780.01,000.0950.0
Low-birthweight babies (% of births)
Prevalence of stunting, height for age (% of children under 5)..........
Prevalence of stunting, height for age, female (% of children under 5)..........
Prevalence of stunting, height for age, male (% of children under 5)..........
Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5)..........
Prevalence of underweight, weight for age, female (% of children under 5)..........
Prevalence of underweight, weight for age, male (% of children under 5)..........
Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births)
Maternal mortality ratio (national estimate, per 100,000 live births)
Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults)96.794.193.591.589.1
Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults)197.7195.9193.0190.6184.2
Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)17.516.716.015.414.9
Mortality rate, infant, female (per 1,000 live births)15.414.714.113.613.2
Source: World Development Indicators. Click on a metadata icon for original source information to be used for citation.
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