Table Name | Uganda |
1.0 Contact Information | |
1.1 Name | Kenneth Egesa |
1.2 Designation (Job Title) | Director Statistics |
1.3 Organization | Bank of Uganda |
1.4 Mailing Address | Bank of Uganda |
1.5 Country | Uganda |
1.6 Email | |
1.7 Telephone | 256-414-231036 |
2.0 Concepts, Definitions and Scope | |
2.1 Statistical frameworks for the compilation of external debt data | 2013 External Debt Statistics Guide (2013 EDS Guide)/6th Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) |
2.2 Consistency with the external debt liabilities of the International Investment Position (IIP) | Yes |
2.3 Additional Information on Concepts, Definitions and Scope | None |
3.0 Sector Classification/Coverage | |
3.1 Data coverage for Public Sector External Debt | Fully covered |
3.2 Data coverage for Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt | Fully covered |
3.3 Data coverage for Private Sector External Debt Not Publicly Guaranteed | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
3.4 Data coverage for Central Government | Fully covered |
3.5 Data coverage for General Government | Fully covered |
3.6 Data coverage for Nonfinancial public sector | Partly covered, with significant gaps |
3.7 Data coverage for Total financial and nonfinancial public sector | Partly covered, with some gaps |
3.8 Data coverage for General Government if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Fully covered |
3.9 Data coverage for Central Bank if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Fully covered |
3.10 Data coverage for Deposit-taking corporations, except the Central Bank if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Fully covered |
3.11 Data coverage for Other Sectors if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Partly covered, with some gaps |
3.12 Data coverage for Other financial corporations if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
3.13 Data coverage for Nonfinancial corporations if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
3.14 Data coverage for HH and nonprofit institu. serving households (NPISHs) if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Not Covered |
3.15 Data coverage for Direct Investment: Intercompany lending if reporting Table 6 (SDDS prescribed component) | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
3.16 External debt include both foreign currency and domestic currency denominated debt instruments held by nonresidents | Yes |
3.17 Additional comments and explanations on Sector Classification/Coverage | None |
4.0 Debt Instrument Classification/Coverage | |
4.1 Data coverage for Currency and deposits | Fully covered |
4.2 Data coverage for Debt Securities | Fully covered |
4.3 Data coverage for Loans | Fully covered |
4.4 Data coverage for Trade credit and advances | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
4.5 Data coverage for Other debt liabilities | Partly covered, with significant gaps |
4.6 Data coverage for Special drawing rights (allocations) | Fully covered |
4.7 Data coverage for Debt liabilities of direct investment enterprises to direct investors | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
4.8 Data coverage for Debt liabilities of direct investors to direct investment enterprises | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
4.9 Data coverage for Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises | Broadly covered (non-coverage insignificant) |
4.10 Arrears (including interest that accrues on arrears) reported in the same debt instrument | Yes |
4.11 Arrears separately identified in the memorandum items | Yes |
4.12 Classification of maturity for short-term/long-term debt instruments | Original maturity |
4.13 Additional comments and explanations on Debt Instrument Classification/Coverage | 1. SDR allocations are included starting from 2006Q3. (ii) Data on other liabilities from private sectors is not collected anymore as respondents could not categorize appropriately which caused lack of consistency in the data between periods. |
5.0 Valuation and Basis of Recording | |
5.1 Main valuation method for debt securities (in main table) | Nonimal Value |
5.2 Main valuation method for debt securities (in memorandum items) | Not reporting debt securities in memorandum items. |
5.3 Other methods and weights used for valuation of debt securities | None |
5.4 Basis for compiling external debt statistics | Accural Basis |
5.5 Inclusion of accrued interest costs that are not paid | Yes |
6.0 Data sources/Compiling Organizations | |
6.1 Main data source(s) for the external debt statistics | Bank of Uganda and Ministy of Finance, Planning and Economic Development |
6.2 Link(s) to national website where the external debt statistics are being disseminated | |
6.3 Link(s) to relevant metadata that currently exists and is consistent with your external debt statistics | None |
6.4 Primary agency responsible for compiling external debt statistics | Central Bank of Ugnada and Ministry of Finance |
6.5 Primary agency responsibile for disseminating external debt statistics | Central Bank of Ugnada and Ministry of Finance |
7.0 Periodicity and Timeliness | |
7.1 Frequency of external debt statistics compilation | Monthly, Quarterly and Annual |
7.2 Frequency of external debt statistics dissemination | Monthly, Quarterly and Annual |
7.3 Timeliness of the publication of the external debt statistics | None |
7.4 Additional comments on Periodicity and Timeliness | None |
8.0 Revision Policy | |
8.1 Data revision policy | No revision policy. |
9.0 Unit of Measure | |
9.1 Unit of Measure | Data are in USD. |
10.0 Reference Period | |
10.1 Reference Period | (i) Data are available starting from 2006Q3. (ii) Data converted through generic conversion from 2003 EDS Guide/BPM5 to 2013 EDS Guide/BPM6 basis by the World Bank from 2006Q3 to 2013Q2. (iii) Data reported by country on a 2013 EDS Guide/BPM6 basis starting from 2013Q3. (iv) As per 2013 EDS Guide/BPM6 methodology, data includes SDR allocations sourced from IMF (the creditor) for period 2006Q3 to 2009Q3, and reported by the country from 2009Q3 onward. |
11.0 Table Reporting | |
11.1 Table 1 -Gross External Debt Position: Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector and Private Sector Not Publicly Guar. Debt | Yes |
11.2 Table 2 - Debt-Service Payment Schedule: Public and Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt as of End-Period | Yes |
11.3 Table 3 - Public and Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt: by Creditor Sector | Yes |
11.4 Table 4 - Public Sector Debt and Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Debt: by Instrument Breakdown | Yes |
11.5 Table 5 -Public and Publicly Guar. Private Sector External Debt: Foreign Currency and Domestic Currency Denominated Debt | Yes |
11.6 Table 6 - Gross External Debt Position: by Sector (SDDS prescribed component) | Yes |
12.0 Metadata Update | |
12.1 Metadata last updated | 01/30/2017 |