1/ The SDDS encourages the dissemination of supplementary information on the schedule of projected debt service payments, in which the principal and interest components are separately identified, twice yearly for the first four quarters and the following two semesters ahead, with a lag of one quarter. The data should be broken down by institutional sectors; the classification by institutional sector (general government, central bank, deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank, and other sectors) presented in the table is consistent with that set forth in the BPM6, and defined in the Guide. 2/ Table 3 is in line with the SDDS encouraged schedule of projected payments although it is a simplified table (no breakdown by debt instrument is presented); supplementary Table 3.1 presents an additional breakdown by instrument. Separate identification of direct investment-intercompany lending is also encouraged. In line with Table 6.2b of the SDDS Guide, the table includes two additional time periods (immediate and more than two years). The projected debt service payments are the expected nominal amounts to be paid on external debt outstanding on the reference date. 3/ Immediately available on demand or immediately due. It includes arrears, including interest on arrears, and certain types of banks deposits, etc. See the Guide, paragraph 7.14. 4/ Unless detailed information is available to make the appropriate maturity attribution, it is recommended that all principal payments on Direct Investment: Intercompany Lending be included in the over two years category. See the Guide, paragraph 7.5. 5/ These memorandum items are requested to link the information in this table to data used by the IMF for debt sustainability analysis (DSA). For DSA purposes, the repayment of SDR allocations (principal) is excluded from the debt-service payment schedule, and interest payments on SDR allocations are included, only in the circumstance, and only to the extent (amount), that interest payments on SDR allocations exceed interest receipts on SDR holdings. See the Guide, paragraph 7.16. * Interest should include interest payments on SDR allocations; however, for the purpose of this table, interest payments are not shown in the "More than two years" column. The SDR allocations reported for the most recent quarterly data in Table 1 should be included as principal in the "More than two years" column. See the Guide, paragraph 7.16. |