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  • Worldwide Governance Indicators

    Aggregate and individual governance indicators for six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability; Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism; Government Effectiveness; Regulatory Quality; Rule of Law; Control of Corruption.

     ,Governance effectiveness, Control of corruption, Rule of Law,

    Last Updated:11/05/2024
  • Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI)

    Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators (WWBI): A dataset on public sector employment and wages that can help researchers and development practitioners gain a better understanding of the personnel dimensions of state capability, the footprint of the public sector on the overall labor market, and the fiscal implications of the government wage bill.


    Last Updated:02/24/2025
  • World Development Indicators

    World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. [Note: Even though Global Development Finance (GDF) is no longer listed in the WDI database name, all external debt and financial flows data continue to be included in WDI. The GDF publication has been renamed International Debt Statistics (IDS), and has its own separate database, as well.

     ,External Debt and Financial Flows statistics, Heath statistics, Gender, Economy, Social Data,

    Last Updated:01/28/2025
  • Wealth Accounts

    Total wealth encompasses produced capital, renewable natural capital, nonrenewable natural capital, human capital, and net foreign assets. The construction of the wealth accounts is guided by the concepts and methods of the System of National Accounts (SNA), the handbook developed by the UN Statistical Commission used by virtually all countries to compile their national economic accounts. While values for produced capital and net foreign assets are generally derived from widely used methods based on observed transactions for these assets, the value of natural capital and human capital must be estimated. The approach to asset valuation is based on the concept that the value of an asset should equal the discounted stream of expected net earnings (resource rents or wages) that it earns over its lifetime.


    Last Updated:10/08/2024
  • WDI Database Archives

    The WDI Database Archives (WDI-DA) contains previous versions of the World Development Indicators database, including indicators that have been discontinued. Data are drawn from all available electronic releases going back to 1989. Users should exercise caution when comparing data from different versions, as the same codes have been used to reference series with different base years or different valuations of a country's local currency. For example, the series code for constant US dollar GDP (NY.GDP.MKTP.KD), which is currently based in 2015, has been used in previous editions when the base year was 1987, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010. Please note that when an indicator is available in the WDI Archives and in the current WDI database, only the current metadata for this indicator is available in both databases. We will be working to improve the usability of the archives by harmonizing codes and names to the extent possible and adding additional metadata.


    Last Updated:02/03/2025
  • UNCTAD - Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS)

    The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS) contains information on Imports, Tariffs and Non-Tariff Measures over 150 countries. For more detailed analysis of Tariff data you can also access it through the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS).

     ,Trade Data,

    Last Updated:02/17/2016
  • Sustainable Mobility for All

    Sustainable Mobility for All


    Last Updated:
  • Sustainable Energy for All

    The “Sustainable Energy for all (SE4ALL)” initiative, launched in 2010 by the UN Secretary General, established three global objectives to be accomplished by 2030: to ensure universal access to modern energy services, to double the global rate of improvement in global energy efficiency, and to double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. SE4ALL database supports this initiative and provides country level historical data for access to electricity and non-solid fuel; share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption by technology; and energy intensity rate of improvement.


    Last Updated:06/30/2018
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    Relevant indicators drawn from the World Development Indicators, reorganized according to the goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These indicators may help to monitor SDGs, but they are not always the official indicators for SDG monitoring.


    Last Updated:07/22/2022
  • Subnational Population

    Subnational Population Database presents estimated population at the first administrative level below the national level. Many of the data come from the country’s national statistical offices. Other data come from the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) managed by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) , Earth Institute, Columbia University. It is the World Bank Group’s first subnational population database at a global level and there are data limitations. Series metadata includes methodology and the assumptions made.


    Last Updated:09/21/2017